Irene Portis-Winner
Irene Portis-Winner (7. aprillil 1923 – 26. aprill 2021 Cambridge) on ameerika semiootik ja antropoloog.
Ta on muuhulgas tutvustanud Tartu-Moskva semiootikakoolkonna töid Ameerika Ühendriikides.
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Tema abikaasa oli semiootik Thomas Winner.
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- Portis-Winner, Irene 1999. The dynamics of semiotics of culture; its pertinence to anthropology. Sign Systems Studies 27: 24–45.
- Portis-Winner, Irene 2002. Eric Wolf: the crosser of boundaries. Sign Systems Studies 30(2): 465–484.
- Portis-Winner, Irene 2006. Eric Wolf: A semiotic exploration of power. Sign Systems Studies 34(2): 339–356.
- Portis-Winner, Irene 2009. Facing emergences: Past traces and new directions in American anthropology (Why American anthropology needs semiotics of culture). Sign Systems Studies 37(1/2): 114–168.
- Portis-Winner, Irene 2013. Jean Rouch: The semiotics of ethnographic film. Sign Systems Studies 41(2/3): 230–240.
- Portis-Winner, Irene 2013. Semiotics of Culture and Beyond. New York: Peter Lang.